Thoughts and Mental Meanderings

I once thought about being an Agnostic, but I have never been sure whether I believe in Agnosticism or not.

Friday, February 3, 2012

So, why a Church?

If Energy does not require worship, then how can there be a church of Energy, since a church denotes worship?

While energy need not be worshiped, its power and influence in our lives, collectively and individually, must be acknowledged. When we acknowledge the presence and puissance of Energy, we recognize that we can shape and direct the Energy towards bettering our lives, individually and collectively.

Even without a God, prayer is a powerful force. Prayer and meditation are ways of focusing the innate energy that is in and around us. When the members of a particular church gather to pray for a sick member of that church, and that person becomes well again, the congregants praise God for answering their prayers; but it was not God, it was the collective, directed energy of the congregants that affected the target of their prayers. When a religious organization uses its power to affect the politics of the Nation, it is not God who wants to change the abortion laws, or define marriage as being between a man and woman, it is the members of that organization using their collective energy to put pressure on those who hold elective office to bend to the beliefs of the congregation.

When we, the Atheists and Agnostics, congregate together in The First Church of Energy, be it a brick and mortar building or a virtual blog, we are gathering our power to affect change in our personal, political, and philosophical lives. If one of our congregant’s family members is sick, we can all put our positive thoughts and energy towards wishing that person well, as well as comforting those who are in need of comfort.

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